Welcome to WordLife!

Welcome to WordLife!

Hi, welcome to my blog!

I’m so glad you checked it out. I’m a first time blogger and i’m really excited about the whole idea of blogging. Frankly, i’m disappointed I waited till now to start a blog! Anyway, it’s better late than never. (and who says it’s late..haha).
OK, so Zoe- WordLife is a gospel inspired and Word driven blog. It inspires believers to a live a Word centred life. You know how we often speak of our ‘spiritual’, ‘academic’, ‘financial’, ‘relationship’, ‘social’ lives and the many other ‘lives’? Well, it turns out there really is only one life and it is spiritual! The others are just facets of life- which is spiritual. 
Jesus came to give us Life- Abundant life! Zoe. And this life is centered around the word of God. 

‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God’. 

That’s the inspiration for the blog title; Zoe – WordLife. It is a life driven by the power of the Gospel, which is uncovered in the Word.
So you can expect gospel inspired and word based articles on Christian truths, life and relationships. I believe we can all live through the power of the gospel. I promise you that every post you read will be uplifting and will draw you closer to the Love of your life. (And by Love of your life, I mean the LOVE of your life, you know who Love is right?)
Always keep posted, and share my posts as much
as you can. I love you, though God will always beat me at it. 
You are Blessed.
Nkem Odiaka.